addon-install-from-git --url
JBoss Forge Add-on
JBoss Forge is a software development tool that extends your IDE, providing wizards and extensions (add-ons) for different technologies and solutions. Try JBoss Forge by downloading it at
The Wildfly Swarm team provides an add-on that eases the user experience on Swarm.
From Forge CLI:
From Eclipse/JBoss Developer Studio:
Press Ctrl (Or Command if you are on OSX) + 4 and select the
Install an Addon from GIT
option. -
as the url and press "Finish"
From IntelliJ IDEA:
Press Ctrl (Or Command if you are on OSX) + Alt + 4 and select the
Install an Addon from GIT
option. -
as the url and press "Finish"
From Netbeans:
Go to the Quick Search field in the upper right corner and type
Install an Addon from GIT
. -
as the url and press "Finish"
- Wildfly-Swarm Setup command
Using the Forge shell, navigate to a Java EE project, or create one using the
project-new --named demo --stack JAVA_EE_7
command and type the following command if you’re in shell.wildfly-swarm-setup
It should read
Wildfly-Swarm: Setup
if you’re in a GUI environment:This will make the
plugin to be installed in your project and the Wildfly Swarm BOM added to the<dependencyManagement>
section.You may also find some options that will be added to the Wildfly Swarm maven plugin like the context path, the HTTP port and the HTTP Port offset
- Wildfly-Swarm Add Fraction
You can install Wildfly Swarm Fractions by using the command
Wildfly-Swarm: Add Fraction
:[demo]$ wildfly-swarm-add-fraction --fractions arquillian camel-jms datasources javafx jdr logging monitor swagger vertx batch-jberet camel-jmx ejb jaxrs jgroups logstash mysql swagger-webapp webservices bean-validation camel-jpa ejb-remote jaxrs-cdi jmx mail postgresql topology-consul camel-cdi camel-mail h2 jaxrs-jaxb jolokia management remoting topology-jgroups camel-core camel-other hibernate-search jaxrs-jsonp jpa management-console resource-adapters topology-openshift camel-cxf camel-undertow hibernate-validator jaxrs-multipart jsf messaging ribbon topology-webapp camel-ejb cdi hystrix jaxrs-validator keycloak microprofile ribbon-secured transactions camel-jaxb cdi-ext infinispan jca keycloak-server mod_cluster spring undertow
NoteInstalled fractions are not listed when you press <TAB> to auto-complete